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Eva Rothwell Centre. Hamilton

Chelsey , age 18 has been awarded a bursary through the Now I Can Fund to support her educational goals. Chelsey participated in the programs at the Eva Rothwell Centre, Hamilton as a kid for 10 years. She moved up through the programs eventually becoming a volunteer and currently works as a part-time staff member while attending studies in the Social Sciences at McMaster University. 

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Alyssa Johnson, age 19 has been awarded a bursary. This will offset costs associated with her studies in Business Sales and Marketing at Niagara College. Alyssa attended after school programs at the Eva Rothwell Centre as a youth participant over the course of 4 years. She had recently been hired as a Tutor & Program Educator/Facilitator for the after school program. We wish her every success.


It is rewarding for us as fund holders to support the goals of two young men who have gone through the Eva Rothwell Centre programming in Hamilton. Despite adversities in his life including losing both his parents under tragic circumstances, Chris has won a gold medal in boxing for Team Canada and is enrolled in the 1st year of the Plumbers Trade Program at Mohawk College. 

Colby recently lost his mother, has a big heart but has unfortunately just been dealt a bad hand in life. He is enrolled in the Child and Youth Program at Mohawk College.

We wish them every success in reaching their goals.




The Now I Can Children's Fund continues to support the education goals of young people who have gone through the Eva Rothwell Centre programs in Hamilton. This year our Fund provided a gift of a bursary to Faith Greenhalgh to help with costs associated with her continuing education at Mohawk College. Don MacVicar (founding director) and Sam Campanella (executive director) present the cheque on our behalf to Faith.




The Now I Can Children's Fund was pleased to award a bursary to Amy Chesbro in support of her education. A cheque was presented to Amy by Sam Campanella, executive director, Eva Rothwell Centre, Hamilton. Amy came up through the program and is now in her 2nd year of Animal Biology at U of Guelph. The bursary enabled Amy to purchase a new laptop and help offset the costs of school supplies. We wish Amy all the success in achieving her goals.

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2018 - Inner City Outreach (Hamilton) 2018


The Now I Can Children's Fund was once again pleased to provide two scholarships for the youth of the Eva Rothwell/Inner City Outreach Ministry as part of their efforts to encourage continuing education.


The Now I Can fundholders were pleased to grant two bursaries in 2017 to two post secondary students from the North End Hamilton community to help with their college costs. Ashley and Blake came up through the programs offered at the Eva Rothwell Resource Center (Inner City Outreach Ministry) and worked part-time in recreation at the Center.



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